You are a busy person with a lot on your schedule. Your phone flashes through the day, demanding your attention; someone is trying to get a hold of you. You have stacks of books you want to read, but haven’t gotten to. Saved articles and blog posts creating a digital pile up. A house to clean, a family to feed,… View Post
Cooking Beets (All the Good Parts)
Most people don’t eat beets on a regular basis; a month ago I was one of those people. I had beets that were juiced and mixed with other fruits and vegetables, but never had them on their own. However, I was at the farmer’s market one day, and caught up in the pseudo-crunchy environment, I purchased 3 beets. As… View Post
5 Ways to Teach Your Toddler Healthy Communication
Research tells us that a child’s first three years are the most critical period of brain development, and therefore a stimulating and enriching environment is crucial. A large part of this brain development is in language; particularly at age 2. A child’s vocabulary is expected to quadruple between ages 2 and 3. What can you do with this information? You… View Post
How to Prepare for Successful Meal Planning
It has happened to a lot of us; we sit down to create this great meal plan for the week. We set aside time to do the grocery shopping, and maybe even prep food in advance. But then, something comes up. Kids get sick, cars break down, events go later than planned, there are so many reasons our meal planning… View Post
Egg Muffins
This was the weekend that I had been craving, but had kept at bay (maybe on purpose?). On Sunday, for the first time in months, I was home alone. Kind of home alone, our newborn daughter was there, but she was asleep for 2 hours! It was basically like being home alone. I had to purpose not to spend that… View Post